The Show
The Reality TV show titled “The Tears and Struggles, Single Moms; Atlanta” will highlight what single female parents go through on a day-to-day basis raising a family in America, and the different adversities that they have to overcome. This spotlight gives single female parents all over the United States the platform to share their own individual stories with the world that despite whatever catastrophes they go through, they can succeed with hard work, dedication, determination and faith.
It also highlights the mental and emotional feeling of being alone, by not having the financial support from family, friends or an absent parent.
The Cast of Season One
With there being a good percentage of single male parents also in the equation, our concentration for this Reality TV Docu-Series show is solely based on the female gender. In viewing of the heterogeneous cultural and diversified ethnic groups around the US, this show will broadcast assorted cultural grouping of single female parents.
It is understood that by covering various ethnic groups, this will broaden the audience that gains interest in watching this show once publicized so that the concluding aim for educating the single female parents and also the younger generation in today’s civilization will be achieved.
Meet the 2020 cast
Kristian Harbor
31 year old single mother of 2 boys ages 5 and 9. Her mom died when she was 13 leaving her depressed and to grow up without a mother. She dropped out of high school while in the 10th grade. She had her 1st child at the age of 21. She resided with her father for some time for assistance but her father wanted sex from her for room and board. She is currently homeless with her 2 boys, living from hotel to hotel. She has no vehicle so she uses public transportation such as Lyft, Marta etc. to get back and forth from work and to take her children to and from school. If she does not have funds for transportation she walks. She currently receives limited amount of money for child support and also limited amount of food stamps. She plans on going back to school to get her GED.
Zarria Gaillard
23 year old single mother of one boy age 7. Pregnant at 14, she was still able to graduate high school despite her child’s father’s incarceration. She obtained her exotic dancing permit and now works at different strip clubs 3-4 nights out of the week for income. For additional income, she bartends at a lounge on a part time basis and is also is a transportation delivery driver from time to time. She has had no support for her child since he was born and she now currently gets support from her mom and her child’s father’s parents. She plans on going back to school to finish college to get a degree in sports therapy.
Chyna Bullock
41 year old single mother of 1 daughter age 14. She was raped at a very young age and was told that she would not be able to conceive children. She was in a relationship with another woman for 8 years which ended around the time her “miracle baby” was born. Her fiancé left her and moved to Florida on their wedding day because she did not want to support his dream vs. hers considering her daughter’s well-being. She attends college level courses and she now participates in activities around different schools starting her own support group for teens.
Laporshia Lockett
31 year old single mother of 4 boys ages 15, 14, 12 and 1. Pregnant at the age of 14, she was living with her grandmother temporarily due to her mom being incarcerated. Eventually before her 1 st child was born and before she went into labor by then she was sent to live in Foster care. Her 1st child’s father was incarcerated and she was released from foster care. She dropped out of HS and had another child by another man. Her 2nd child’s father’s relationship didn’t seem to work and while out of school her grandmother paid for her to obtain her GED. Eventually she became pregnant a 3rd time with another child and ended up getting section 8 housing. After her last child was born recently, her social life went downhill. Her 3 oldest boys have caused much distress due to issues in the home, behavioral issues at school and the oldest child becoming incarcerated. She is currently not in contact with any of the children’s fathers and receives child support every now and then for her boys. She is currently unemployed and sells home- made alcohol from her home.
Crystal Ross
35 year old single mother of 2 boys and 1 girl ages 16, 11, and 9. She was raised by a single mother since her father passed away at the age of 14. She became pregnant with her high school sweetheart at the age of 18 and found out he cheated on her while they lived together. This led her into deep depression and she became suicidal. She was admitted into a mental hospital for her suicide attempts and depression. After leaving the mental hospital, she moved back with her mother for some time until beginning a new relationship again with another man. She caught him cheating and departed from the situation moving into government housing. She was employed at Regions Bank as a teller but lost her job due to lack of support for her children. She was in a relationship with her child’s father until 4 days after she gave birth. She did attend college to study early childhood education but only attended for 1 year. Her support mainly comes from her job, her mother and her siblings. Lack of support financially has caused her to miss family events and she also has been having behavioral problems with her children in school. She recently applied for child support for her 3 children.
Keunta Walker
35 year old single mother of 4 children 3 girls and 1 boy ages 14, 10, 9 and 5. She was raised by a single mother whom her dad was periodically involved in her life. She was 19 when she got pregnant with her first child. She and the child’s father were good friends at the time. She is currently on section 8 with no financial support from the children’s father. All of her kids see their fathers at times but there is no consistency. The hardships Keunta goes through raising 4 children on her own creates a huge burden for her and with the lack of support for her situation, she has hard time getting or keeping steady income coming in from jobs.
“We are all beautiful inside, so love yourself and dream BIG!”