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We produce exceptional content.

Life, camera, action is literally the motto of our way to make our productions. We shine the light on life, where life hurts and needs care, attention and improvement. We see life’s struggles, we record it and we take action.

Often times the mother is the predominant provider in a single-parent family structure usually arisen due to unplanned pregnancy, divorce of a partner, or even sometimes by a formal demise. With divorce being one of the leading causes of single parenting, over 60% of women have pregnancy outside of wedlock. In today’s world, 1 in 4 children under the ages of 21 are being raised without a father and nearly half of them statistically live below the poverty line. Our goal here at Cassell Productions LLC is to break what we like to call “the cycle” that we see being repeated. We encourage the women and audiences to stay focused, set goals and take initiative and that is what will create a better situation for you. The barriers seen to overcome should always motivate a consistent and open mind. Don’t settle for less than what you actually deserve, because these simple things we pay less attention to even our children manifest from our positivity as adults throughout all the situations that occur when raising a family as a single female parent.

Your dreams are waiting to be accomplished despite how hard it may seem so never give up!


Contact Us

Regular Mail:
PO BOX 392651
Snellville, Georgia 30039

3375 Centerville Hwy #392651 Snellville, Georgia 30078

Reach out:
(404) 263-3682

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Our motto explained



All around us are the people who struggle throughout the day, to make ends meet… often through drastic measures. But too often their stories are unseen and they are alone in their efforts.



We record their stories. To give them a chance to have their stories told, but also to make others around them aware of their dire needs.



By making these productions we change their perspectives. Not only by telling their stories, also by lending helping hands where we can. It might as simple as just listening to people in need, or coming up with solutions that will offer solace.

“My mother always told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant be your own person, be independent and believe in yourself, no matter what.”

Wendy Cassell

Get in Touch

If you feel your story needs to be told, please contact us so we can get in touch with you..